GameJolt, Donations, and GravMonkey

01/26/2010 23:11

As you may have noticed, there have been a lot of changes to Dugan Entertainment recently.  The most major of these updates is the switch to game jolt.  Dugan Entertainment recently became partners with, a site also dedicated to free gaming.   All of our games have now been re-linked to instead of Yoyo games.  The switch came because of a simple fact, game jolt pays us, yoyo games does not.  To be more descriptive, Dugan Entertainment needs financial support in order to grow and be a better resource for you, so luckily we are able to work with game jolt, who has offered us a cut of there ad revenue used on our game pages.   The downside to this changeover is that for the time-being, there is no more stream playing of dugan Entertainment games.  All games are direct Download only.  We are working hard with game jolt to fix this problem, and stream playing should be available shortly.

We have also started asking for support in the form of donations from you the fans.  We want Dugabn Entertainment to grow, and although we may get some income in the future from our deal with game jolt, it wont be enough to see any growth in this site.  So we need help from dedicated fans like you to help us grow.  We only ask for a small $10 dollar donation.  THIS IS COMPLETLY OPTIONAL, and Dugan Entertainment games hosted on this site will always remain free. 


Lastly, the GravMonkey demo has been moved off the homepage and onto the games page.  It can also be found (along with all other recent games) on the right-hand side of the homepage.